
About Max Cybersecurity MAX Cybersecurity LLC, (dba MAX Services) is working to bring transparency to cybersecurity and provide expert support to critical infrastructure restoration efforts. Cybersecurity We know that most people do not understand the requirements to become cyber-literate and ultimately protect themselves through the use of enhanced process and tools. Our team specialize MAX Cybersecurity’s approach for larger enterprises is built on a set of risk management principles. We begin with education and infuse a suite of services supporting risk reducing activities. Our concepts engage the customer and builds long term partnerships through trusted relationships. We deliver expertise that provides peace of mind to clients and the subject matter expertise to reduce chances cascading effects will occur should there be a breach occur. Department of Homeland Cyber Leadership Quality Assurance and Inspector Services White House Policy Recommendation National Infrastructure Plan Management Amtrak Technology Pilot Architect Facilitator of Public-Private Partnership Fiber and Cable Installation Cybersecurity Exercises in Major U.S. Cities Coordination Strategies for the DHS NCCIC and Private Sector Entities Large and Complex Risk Assessments Cost-Benefit Research and Analysis Development of the National Cyber Incident Response Plan (NCIRP) Emergency Response Planning for Counties and Municipalities NIST Workforce Development & NICE Programs Leadership of the International Association of Certified ISAOs—Kennedy Space Center Small and Medium Sized Business Cybersecurity Analysis National Level Keynote Speaker on Critical Infrastructure Protection Source:
